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10 малоизвестных фактов о Запретном Городе
russian.china.org.cn   26-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

6. The overall repair of the Palace Museum is not an ordinary construction job, but a cultural inheritance project requiring great intelligence.

A broken ancient bronze ware.

The broken bronze ware was restored to its original appearance.

7. People can view the restoration process of cultural relics in the future.

The Palace Museum is building a cultural relic repair and protection center in its north center in the suburb area of Beijing. The center is designed to occupy an area of 20,000 square meters, and 5,000 square meters will be open to the public to show the relic restoration process.

8. Interpretation device in the Palace Museum has many versions.

Have you ever used the automatic interpretation device in the Palace Museum? It is said to include 40 languages or dialects, and also different personalized versions for visitors, such as specialist edition, story edition, junior edition and dialogue edition.

9. Visitors can walk on the defensive wall to enjoy a wider view of Forbidden City in the future.

Once the ancient architecture pavilion opens, people will be able to ascend the Donghuamen gate tower to enjoy a broader view of the ancient complex. It is also expected that a section of the defensive wall may be open, so visitors can walk above along the wall to have more memorable experience.

10. Cats play an important role in guarding the Palace Museum.

Cats and dogs are the most commonly seen animals in the empty lanes of the former royal palace. A total of 181 cats at the Palace Museum in Beijing patrol the Forbidden City at night to guard against rats and are considered the cutest employees of the museum by Internet users.

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russian.china.org.cn  26-05-2014
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